Car to Train
Convenient car rental service adds vehicles to DART Rail stations

Zipcar, the car-sharing network, has expanded its fleet of cars for DART commuters, to meet the increasing demand of Zipcars along DART rail lines.
A new Zipcar location with two cars has opened at Inwood Station near Love Field and Southwestern Medical Center. An additional car has been added to the existing Mockingbird Station location. Zipcars can now be picked up along all four lines: orange, green, red and blue.
Residents, students, businesses and visitors have access to the Zipcars along the lines, providing a convenient way to travel beyond the footprint of public transportation.
The expansion builds on Zipcar’s partnership with DART, which kicked off in February 2015 with two cars at Mockingbird Station. Demand has since grown, calling for more Zipcars in more locations along the rail lines.
This gives Dallas Zipcar members access to five cars along the transit lines, and more than 50 Zipcars in Dallas-Fort Worth, including two more vehicles that were recently added to the Dallas Farmers Market.
Zipcar has a wide variety of vehicle types, including small compact cars for quick errands, luxury vehicles for business meetings or SUV’s and vans for family day trips. Convenient and cost-effective, the cars can be reserved 24/7 to all members ages 21+ (or 18+ for students on Zipcar-affiliated campuses) living in or traveling to the greater Dallas area. Low hourly and daily rates include gas, insurance, a dedicated parking spot for easy pick up and return, and 180 miles per day.