Voting News
November election will decide on police dogs and new Dallas representative

Early voting is on for the upcoming election taking place in Texas on November 5.
The ballot has 10 propositions that involve police dogs, Texas parks, school funds, and flooding. In addition, some Dallas voters will decide who should replace Eric Johnson as as State Representative for District 100.
Early voting ends on Friday, November 1.
New EJ
Four people are running for the House of Representatives seat vacated by Eric Johnson, who was elected mayor of Dallas in May:
- James Armstrong III, a pastor at Community Fellowship Church in West Dallas and the President & CEO of Builders of Hope.
- Lorraine Birabil, a former staff member for Congressman Marc Veasey listed as an "associate" for Tillotson Law Firm. She has a number of endorsements including the AFL-CIO and has worked on campaigns for Beto O’Rourke, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, and former Texas Sen. Wendy Davis.
- Daniel Davis Clayton, owner of Public Opinion LLC, a communications company, and a former chief of staff to State Representative Toni Rose, as well as a former Dallas County precinct chair, founding member of the Texas Democratic Veterans, president of the Texas Democratic Black Caucus and Texas Coalition of Black Democrats.
- Sandra Crenshaw, a former Dallas City Council member who ran for this seat in 2018. She's also run for House District 110 in 2014 and 2016, and for Dallas City Council in 2019.
There's a fifth name on the ballot, Paul K. Stafford, but he has withdrawn from the race.
There are also 10 propositions that would become amendments to the Texas constitution:
Prop 1 would permit an elected municipal judge to serve in more than one municipality at a time. Currently, appointed judges can do this, but elected cannot.
Prop 2 is a measure that allows the state's water agency to autonomously get funding for water projects in economically depressed areas. Up until now, the Texas Water Development Board had to seek an amendment every time it needed to start a new project. This allows them to do so without a vote, as long as the principal does not exceed $200 million.
Prop 3 would allow temporary tax exemptions to properties damaged in a disaster. Eligible properties include homes, improvements, and rentals.
Prop 4 is controversial. It prohibits the state from imposing income tax, which everyone loves the sound of. But Texas has never had a tax on personal income. Pretty much every publication that weighs in on propositions hates this, with one calling it "a proposition that has the feel of showboating with no practical purpose."
Prop 5 wants to dedicate sales tax from sporting goods sales to the Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Texas Historical Commission to protect Texas water quality, natural areas, beaches, and wildlife. It has endorsements from practically every newspaper in Texas.
Prop 6 asks for taxpayers to come up with another $3 billion for a cancer research institute. CPRIT, or the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, already got $3 billion from taxpayers; now CPRIT wants $3 billion more. State Sen. Charles Schwertner has filed a bill requiring CPRIT to find its own funds.
Prop 7 would double the amount money given to the Available School Fund, which provides classroom materials and funding for Texas schools, from $300 million to $600 million.
Prop 8 proposes the creation of a fund specifically for flooding issues, including drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control.
Prop 9 would give a tax exemption for precious metal held in a precious metal depository. Up until now, precious metal held in a precious metal depository has been subject to taxes. Why should they get off the hook now?
Prop 10 is animal related. It allows animals used in law enforcement to be adopted by the animal's handler or other caretakers. Under Texas law, which is uniformly horrid to animals, retiring police dogs or working animals are classified as "salvage" or "surplus property," and their only legal disposition is to be auctioned, donated to a civic or charitable organization, or destroyed.