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Cane Rosso, secession rumors and artsy scenesters: The 5 most popular storiesthis week
- Cane Rosso plans to open a second Neopolitan pizza joint on Gaston Avenue nearWhite Rock Lake.Photo by Jenna Rosier
- If Texas secedes, Willie Nelson will win the presidency in a landslide.Photo by Jeremy Keas
- The eighth annual Art Conspiracy was a scenester's dream.Photo by Robert Bostick
- According to Departures magazine, Texas Treasure Inn at Dos Brisas has one ofthe best farm-to-table restaurants in the world.The Inn at Dos Brisas/Facebook
- Eric Celeste's CultureMap debut came complete with media fanfare and
Editor's note: Another week has come and gone, and there's a lot we all probably missed. But we're looking out for you, kid. Here are the most popular stories from this past week:
1. Cane Rosso to expand its Neopolitan pizza empire to White Rock Lake. Teresa "Scoop" Gubbins was the first to report that Jay Jerrier's critically revered Deep Ellum pizza joint will open a second location at the former site of CJ's Billiard Place on Gaston Avenue. This distinct honor earned 272 Facebook likes, 17 tweets and the ever illusive Pinterest pin.
2. Six ways life would change if Texas secedes from the Union. We all know this Lone Star State schtick by now. But, just for fun, we imagined it was really happening this time. Spoiler alert: Daniel Vaughn is barbecue czar, and Willie Nelson is president.
3. Hipsters, hippies and artists flock to eighth annual Art Conspiracy. Social butterfly (and associate editor) Rachael Abrams described Art Con as a "scenester's dream." This year's event raised money for Girls Rock Dallas — a camp to empower women through music — and W.T. White Academy for Visual and Performing Arts ceramics program.
4. Treasured Texas boutique hotel named one of world's best farm-to-table restaurants. According to Departures magazine, the restaurant at the Inn at Dos Brisas is in good company. It made the magazine's list of best farm-to-table restaurants along with a hotel that sits in the middle of a Tanzanian coffee plantation, a New Zealand lodge and a three-Michelin-star hotel restaurant in California.
5. We're totally gonna secede, y'all! Plus, white men are screwed and Troy Aikman stays put. Eric Celeste's CultureMap debut came complete with media fanfare and obscene photography. We wouldn't expect anything less. Celeste's column, Let Me Sum Up," is a one-stop morning meal of news that appears bright and early Monday through Friday.