Links we love
Judd Apatow and Lena Dunham Skype for our amusment, plus passive-aggressive Pinterest posts
Editor's note: There's so much that's beautiful, funny, smart and informative on the Internet. Problem is, there's also a bunch of garbage. Here's the best of the web right now:
1. Judd Apatow and Lena Dunham on writing, real life and comedy. The other day I had a revelation: Nearly every movie that I enjoy watching multiple times over has a Judd Apatow credit line. Then I learned that he's one of the producers of Girls. Cue mind explosion.
2. That time Bill Clinton photobombed Kelly Clarkson at Barack Obama's presidential inauguration. All that's missing is the photo of Clinton fist-bumping Obama backstage.
3. Twelve half-truths that we live with. Spoiler alert: Subway's footlong sandwich measures 11 inches, Koala bears are not really bears and a Palm tree is not really a tree. Lesson of the day: Be skeptical of everything, which brings us to link No. 4.
4. Football recruit who said his Notre Dame visit "went great" never actually visited campus. Seriously, Fighting Irish? You can't set the Internet up like that. It will come at you with a vengeance.
5. That's definitely how I felt after losing a game. Pinterest, providing apparel for passive-aggressive athletes since 2013.