Blindfolded News
Silly pop-up coming to Dallas forces you to dine while blindfolded

Dallas is getting what can only be described as a unique dining opportunity with a new pop-up coming into town called Dining In The Dark.
The event is actually not in the dark, but diners are blindfolded, with the mildly preposterous idea that, as you sit down to your dinner without the option of seeing, you are then forced to focus more intensely on your other senses.
The promoter, a company called Fever, describes it as "a fantastic experience" that also creates opportunity for restaurateurs and event producers who have been adversely affected by the pandemic.
The release claims that "psychologists have been advocating dining in the dark as the ultimate taste experience for many years."
"Studies show that 80 percent of people eat with their eyes; with that sense eliminated, the theory is that the other senses, namely taste and smell, take over to elevate your meal to a whole new level," it says.
So you're getting a meal that you can enjoy 20 percent's worth.
Participating diners must don blindfolds in a darkened, candlelit room. That's when they "quickly realize that focusing on taste and smell alone can be a truly enlightening experience."
There are three menu choices: Green (Vegan), Red (Meat), or Blue (Seafood). You're not told what you're eating. Instead you're to let yourself be carried away by the taste and guess what you're eating.
The release says that Dining In The Dark has proved popular in other countries such as Spain and Portugal. What fun countries they must be!
The event will take place on Wednesdays in March and early April, with seatings at 6 pm & 8:30 pm. Tickets are $80. They're not saying where it is yet, other than a "Secret Location — a restaurant in downtown Dallas blanketed in darkness — its whereabouts will be revealed soon."
So much mystery. Hopefully, they will tell you where it is before the dinner happens.
Maybe the only thing dumber than this is the other traveling pop-up where you're forced to wear white. Eating food in a normal way just isn't zany enough.
This is not the first dining-in-the-dark event to have hit Dallas. One put on by a West Coast company came through in 2012, and before that was an event called The Blind Cafe, advocating for people with disabilities, in which the dining room was actually not lit.