The RGIII dilemma
It's complicated: 10 tweets from Cowboys fans who went to Baylor
- Washington Redskins/Facebook
As a Dallas Cowboys fan, there's nothing worse than losing to the Washington Redskins with the playoffs on the line. But as a Baylor graduate, I winced when Robert Griffin III took a hit — and when he made a spectacular play.
Now, Sunday night's game was far from the RGIII clinic of Thanksgiving Day. Nonetheless, he still led his team to victory, and crushed the dreams of Cowboys fans everywhere in the process.
If Dallas was going to lose, I suppose it might as well be to Griffin, Waco's favorite son. At least I still have a reason to watch the playoffs. As Texas Monthly senior editor Jason Cohen pointed out, this mixed emotion was mirrored by many a Baylor/Cowboys fan on Twitter, to wit:
Every Cowboys fan that went to Baylor is dreading Sunday. Only if we had @rgiii on the other side of the line. #torn
— Tim Smith (@AnotherTimSmith) December 26, 2012Oh Cowboys... I'll never understand. I guess it doesn't hurt as bad since @rgiii and I are Baylor alums.
— Abel Ramos (@abeltodowork) December 31, 2012@rgiii way to go! Been a long time Cowboys fan until this year! From one Baylor Bear to another...Sic'em Skins!!!
— Dena Nunn (@denanunn) December 31, 2012But on the real cowboys should consider drafting Nick Florence from Baylor. #FormerColonel #SGswagg
— Michael Rinehart (@HonkyTonk_Rhino) December 31, 2012I'm a Cowboys fan but I'm also #BaylorProud. Congrats @rgiii :) All of Baylor will be secretly rooting for you.
— Komal Hemani (@thekmoneyxpress) December 31, 2012Everybody has skeletons in their closet, but Cowboys fans' skeletons are all wearing #RG3 jerseys. "Baylor is in Texas you know." #RG3envy
— (@TheHogsdotNet) December 28, 2012Bittersweet happy for @rgiii as a Baylor fan but so sad my Cowboys didn't make the playoffs
— Lauren McLean(@laurenmc013) December 31, 2012And finally, a glass-is-half-full football fan:
@juliemendonsa Waco loves RGIII! He gave us win-win. We either got Cowboys or Baylor great in play-offs!
— Paul Matthies (@paul_matthies) December 31, 2012