N Stands For
Paula Deen remains on bill for upcoming foodie trade show in Dallas
Food Network waited barely a day to give Paula Deen the heave-ho. Smithfield politely let a week tick by before cutting her loose. But MetroCooking, a Washington, D.C.-based food trade show company, is standing by their Deen, with an affirmation that she will still be on the lineup for its events this fall in D.C., Houston and Dallas.
Deen is on a major downslide following racism-related allegations that began after she admitted using racial slurs during a lawsuit deposition on May 17. The scandal worsened after her confused responses that included her last-minute cancellation last week of an appearance on the Today show.
She's been a staple of the MetroCooking events since they began eight years ago in D.C. The organization posted a note on its website confirming Deen's continued participation:
Paula Deen has been a friend of the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining show for many years. She has apologized and we are taking her apology at her word and moving forward accordingly. MetroCooking does not condone or believe in the use of derogatory slurs by anyone. This is a nation of forgiveness and second chances. In that spirit, we intend to go forward with the Metro Cooking shows in Houston, Dallas and Washington, DC as planned with Paula as a presenter. At this time we have no plans to do otherwise.
"She's been a regular part of this thing since it started," says spokesman Bill Medved. "Last year was the first year in Dallas, and the show has been in Houston for the past two years. Other than missing one for a wedding she had to attend, she's been in all our shows."
The Dallas event takes place September 21-22 at Dallas Convention Center. The Houston event is September 14-15 at Reliant Center.