Doughnuts in Downtown Dallas
Top Pot will make the doughnuts on a glamorous corner of downtown Dallas

Seattle-born doughnut chain Top Pot Doughnuts continues its streak of North Texas openings, this time with a branch in a glamorous location on the far edge of downtown Dallas: the ground floor of the glassine apartment high-rise SkyHouse.
The SkyHouse is the buzzy, hot, ambitious apartment building on Houston Street, about equidistant from downtown and the American Airlines Center. The glass-sheathed building has dramatic views and oodles of amenities including beer nights and a rooftop saltwater pool.
This Top Pot is scheduled to open in spring 2016 and will be the fourth North Texas location, following a third that opened at the CityLine complex in Richardson in November.
"But this will be our true first downtown Dallas branch," says co-founder Mark Klebeck. "The SkyHouse seemed like a neat concept, and they have one in Houston that has done really well. It has the mixed-use thing, and that's going on in Seattle as well, with apartment buildings and retail together."
Aside from the building itself, Top Pot also liked the location.
"Downtown was on our short list and that building has proximity to so many things, including being close to American Airlines Center," Klebeck says. "With the number of apartments nearby, and people coming into downtown whether for work or for the games, there's a lot there."
Like the other branches, including the one on Greenville Avenue and the original on Hillcrest, this will have seating, with all doughnuts being made at Hillcrest.
"Hillcrest is our largest, and we opened that as our first with the idea that we would have the ability to produce a lot of doughnuts there to feed some of these smaller stores," he says. "It allows us to offer a more consistent product."